Presentation types


Talks are presentations that should not exceed 10 minutes. Unfortunately, there are limited possibilities for talks, therefore some abstracts submitted as talks may be converted to a poster presentation. The main rules for the oral presentations are:

  • Have fun during your talk
  • Address your presentation to a broad audience

The European Student Conference on Behaviour and Cognition is a conference with a wide spectrum of topics. Thus, it is fundamental that everyone understands and has the opportunity to appreciate your talk.

Tip: Use examples, pictures, or videos. Use simple words. Explain acronyms. Talk slowly. Also, good slides require the right amount of data. Do not try to put too much information in a single slide, and never put in a large data table with unreadable fonts. It is also important to remember font size! Do not use any text that is smaller than 24 points. Think visually and use minimal text! Enjoy your presentation! It is all fun! If you are not excited about giving your talk, then no one will be excited to listen to that talk. Personal and humorous anecdotes can help you to connect with your audience.

  • Timing is everything!

For each talk, a time slot of 10 min of presentation + 5 min of questions will be given. Use your time well! Try as much as possible to use 10 min for your presentation and respect as much as possible the 5 min of discussion with the audience. We know time is really short but you will have enough time to discuss during our coffee breaks and social events.

Tip: A general rule of thumb is to plan one minute per slide. For a 10-minute long talk 10 slides would be ideal.

Please, upload your presentation as soon as you can and, generally, in the break before the oral session.


Poster presentations will be divided into two slots, one for each day of the conference. Posters of each slot will be displayed for the entire day. 

Poster boards are 150(H) by 120(W) cm. We recommend using the poster format A0, portrait-oriented (in order to leave space beside your poster for your body too!)

Address your poster to a broad audience. Therefore, it is fundamental that everybody is able to understand and appreciate your poster. Keep your poster as simple as possible. Link the topic of your study to general concepts of cognitive and behavioural neuroscience.

Tip: Your poster should be compressible even if you are not there but it should also not contain too much text. Try to find a perfect balance (e.g., use tables and images).